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  1. SuperChungus

    Welcome back Kleetus!

    Welcome back Kleetus!
  2. SuperChungus

    mint farm 2.0

    0/10, doesn't know how chicken genetics work nice popcorn which hen was the one who was violence prone? i recall you had a problem with a hen that would kill some of the peepers.
  3. SuperChungus

    Respectfully Sirs and Madams

    you forgot the army you queer
  4. SuperChungus

    Respectfully Sirs and Madams

  5. SuperChungus

    Computer stuff you just got

    even worse i think desktop is still the 2021 generation, whatever tf that's named, while mobile has the newer one but yeah the architecture evolved into entry-level garbage from the original atom for umpcs.
  6. SuperChungus

    Computer stuff you just got

    now now they figured out how to add more skylake cores, underclock them and mark them as "e" cores
  7. SuperChungus

    mint farm 2.0

    easter was like 3 months ago... lol
  8. SuperChungus

    I went to San Carlos and all I brought back was this necklace

    Well you're in Pueblo so that's your first problem. Unless you're a spic, everybody hates you.
  9. SuperChungus

    what was your most recent purchase?

    I agree with part 1, when I do build the 8 larger pcbs for a project I will stick to LED because of the size and consistency. For now, with me tinkering this setup I think is good enough. For my photomasks, I use acetate transparencies and a lexmark laser. I will be experimenting a bit to...
  10. SuperChungus

    oh, damn. i prefer smaw tho.

    oh, damn. i prefer smaw tho.
  11. SuperChungus

    we're not the brightest star on the beach

    we're not the brightest star on the beach
  12. SuperChungus

    what was your most recent purchase?

    The fuck any of you negroes buy? Today's haul: Building my own UV rig for DIY circuit board stuff. Fabricator companies are starting to charge too much. When the rest of the parts and chemicals arrive, this whole thing would cost less for a 10x15cm board than what I'd pay. Originally wanted to...
  13. SuperChungus

    whats your go-to snack right now?

    i do like snacking on habanero chedder. negro
  14. SuperChungus

    ÆÆÆÆ Official thread of outside the basement ÆÆÆÆ

    i didn't see a single Nissan Skyline in that video.
  15. SuperChungus

    What would you do If you had 3 wishes?

    When you put it that way, yeah one way or the other 10-20 years a major earthquake is going to happen and those buildings are going to wind up getting destroyed anyway.
  16. SuperChungus

    What would you do If you had 3 wishes?

    that sounds like a waste
  17. SuperChungus

    What would you do If you had 3 wishes?

    Japan look ghetto asf. Oh wait you're from a ghetto, nvm.
  18. SuperChungus

    What's your stage of Tacticool?

    Depends. I've been to a few outside of tourist and American oriented places, like Neunkirchen and they were less "American" feeling. I miss Ansbach.
  19. SuperChungus

    What's your stage of Tacticool?

    they had them in germany last I was there 6 years ago.
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