Wiki requests go here


Puppet Master
Goon command just informed me that EDitors and Administrators can now verify other EDitors under the "User Rights" page here.

EDitors cannot take away this role, only Administrators and above.

Make sure you vet retards before allowing them to edit.

Requests for EDitor, wiki shit goes here.
Hello! I was an editor too, albeit not for a long time. I made an account on june 2nd and and I made some edits and exactly 1 page before june 8th happened. Can I have edit powers? My account on ed is same as my username here.


Certified Newb
Hello! I was an editor on .online and the short lived .top, may I edit? My username is Randomguy9000.


ED’s Worst Nightmare
Delete the Donald Buffkin and Tablecow articles.

Make an article about ZZZandeRRR


ED’s Worst Nightmare
More rainbow blinkies in The Donald Bufkin and Tablecow articles please.
What the flying fuck is a blinkie? Are you trying to call me gay? I’m the least gay man alive. I loooooooove women.
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